Business Process

  • The outline of the production process is as follows :
  • The outline of the business process is as follows :
  • To guarantee the quality of production results, quality control (QC) is carried out at all stages of work, starting from the pre￾production stage (raw materials) tomfinished products. At the end of the production process, QC is carried out on the finished product, namely laboratory tests on samples.
  • Types of pollution that cannot be avoided are spilled raw materials, dust, noise, used oil and lubricants, as well as domestic waste such as office waste, household waste and liquid waste.
  • Dust and gas pollution is reduced by regular watering, management of vehicle flow and inventory, regulation of work methods, installation of dust collectors, scrubbers in chimneys and ventilation as well as greening.
  • Coal burning waste, remaining lubricants and laboratory waste are collected and then sent to the B3 Waste Processing Center.
  • Solid waste from remaining packaging is reused (recycled) by other parties, failed products (if any) are incinerated and domestic solid waste is managed in collaboration with the Sanitation Service to be disposed of at the Final Disposal Site (TPA).